
This instructions will allow you to install smokes not only to the default aircraft but also to any other you wish except helicopters.

1.- Copy the Gauges and the Effects folders to the main folder of fs9 and let overwrite

2.- For default aircraft, copy to the aircraft.cfg of each one, the text contained in the file corresponding to each aircraft that appears in the Smokes for default folder.
For the A380 the smokes are in the Smokes for A380 folder.

3.- When installing smokes on any other aircraft go to the aircraft.cfg file and search for:


Check the number of engines.

If 1: Engine.0=xxxx,xxx,xxx

If 2: Engine.0=xxxx,xxx,xxx

If 3; Engine.0=xxxx,xxx,xxx

The example bellow is for 4 engines.

1 2 3
Engine.0=-48.6, -4.8, 0.8
Engine.1=-48.6, 4.8, 0.8
Engine.2=-37.23, -27.7, -2.20
Engine.3=-37.23, 27.7, -2.20

In engines the positions are:

Column 1= Forward (-) Back
Column 2= Right (-) Left
Column 3= Up (-) Down

1 2 3
smoke.0= 0.8, -48.6, -4.8, fx_smoke_ys11
smoke.1= 0.8, -48.6, 4.8, fx_smoke_ys11
smoke.2=-2.20, -37.23, -27.70, fx_smoke_ys11
smoke.3=-2.20, -37.23, 27.70, fx_smoke_ys11

In smoke positions are:

Column 1= Up (-) Down
Column 2= Forward (-) Back
Column 3= Right (-) Left

You can use any kind of smoke you like better. There are lots of them available for FS2002 that will work in 2004 just the same
I enclose the ones I like best:

fx_smoke_rx_pc -----------Gray
fx_smoke_w ---------------White
fx_smoke_ys11 -----------Another kind of gray (this I prefer)
fx_smoke_r ---------------Red
fx_smoke_rx --------------A darker kind of gray


Be aware of NOT writting the .fx next to the effect in the Aircraft.cfg
or effect will not appear.
"fx_smoke_r.fx" effect must be copied fx_smoke_r in Smokesystem

Example of Smokesystem in Lear 45:

engine_type = 1
Engine.0 = -42.8, -4.8, 0.8
Engine.1 = -42.8, 4.8, 0.8
fuel_flow_scalar= 1.0
min_throttle_limit = -0.25

smoke.0=0.8,-42.8,-4.8, fx_smoke_rx (It is not fx_smoke_rx.fx)
smoke.1=0.8,-42.8,4.8, fx_smoke_rx


Depending of the kind of engines of the aircraft the gauge to add
to the panel.cfg would be:

gaugexx=Autosmoke!JetSmoke,11,250,44,44 ----- //For Jets

gaugexx=Autosmoke!PistonSmoke,11,250,44,44 ----- //For Propellers

gaugexx=Autosmoke!TurboSmoke,11,250,44,440 ----- //For Turbo Props


In Lockheed Vega which is a piston you add at the end of [Window00]
gaugexx=Autosmoke!PistonSmoke, 0,0
and change the xx for the number of the gauge to follow to the last one, in this case 31

size_mm=1024, 768

gauge00=Lockheed_Vega!magneto_switch, 0, 626
gauge01=Lockheed_Vega!oat, 126, 503
gauge02=Lockheed_Vega!oil_temp, 127, 591
gauge03=Lockheed_Vega!manifold_pressure, 218, 436
gauge04=Lockheed_Vega!rpm, 218, 558
gauge05=Lockheed_Vega!oil_pressure, 171, 683
gauge06=Lockheed_Vega!fuel_pressure, 266, 683
gauge07=Lockheed_Vega!adf, 333, 330
gauge08=Lockheed_Vega!cyl_temp, 364, 683
gauge09=Lockheed_Vega!altimeter, 454, 330
gauge10=Lockheed_Vega!vsi, 459, 683
gauge11=Lockheed_Vega!asi, 576, 330
gauge12=Lockheed_Vega!turn_and_bank, 554, 683
gauge13=Lockheed_Vega!suction, 649, 683
gauge14=Lockheed_Vega!gyro_compass, 692, 439
gauge15=Lockheed_Vega!main_panel_switches, 689, 601
gauge16=Lockheed_Vega!clock, 745, 683
gauge17=Lockheed_Vega!magnetic_compass, 813, 503
gauge18=Lockheed_Vega!ammeter, 841, 683
gauge19=Lockheed_Vega!trim, 880, 600
gauge20=Lockheed_Vega!voltmeter, 935, 683
gauge21=Lockheed_Vega!sperry_autopilot, 345, 462
gauge22=SimIcons1024!Kneeboard Icon, 707, 560
gauge23=SimIcons1024!ATC Icon, 730, 560
gauge24=SimIcons1024!Map Icon, 753, 560
gauge25=SimIcons1024!GPS Icon, 777, 560
gauge26=SimIcons1024!Radio Icon, 707, 582
gauge27=SimIcons1024!Throttle Quadrant Prop Icon, 730, 582
gauge28=SimIcons1024!Fuel Panel Icon, 753, 582
gauge29=SimIcons1024!ADF Receiver Icon, 777, 582
gauge30=Cessna208!Nav-GPS-Switch, 955, 645

gauge31=Autosmoke!PistonSmoke, 0,0

The same procedure has to be done with each and every panel of the default aircraft.

5.-In order to know if an aircraft is jet, propeller or turbo prop open the aircraft.cfg and if you find this sections it is a turbo prop:




When it is propeller you will find:



When jet only:


Happy smokes and flights!!

Alejandro Villa